Leisurely Island Touring: Your Ultimate
Put-In-Bay Escape – Shamrock Golf Carts Put-in-Bay Golf Cart Rental on Put-in-Bay South Bass Island

Premier Island Golf Cart Rental Services
* Convenient location for South Bass Island State Park and Saunders Resort guests
Long term rentals for South Bass Island State Park and Saunders Resort guests
Call for rates for long term rental (419) 742-8070
At Shamrock Cart Rentals, we offer rental services to enhance your island experience. From booking to return, our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way.
Unforgettable Put-in-Bay Escapes Await
Hours of Operation:
10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Rental Rates
Monday – Thursday $80 + Tax Total $89.60
Friday – Sunday $90 + Tax Total $100.80
Monday – Thursday $90 + Tax Total $100.80
Friday – Sunday $100 + Tax Total $112.00
Monday – Thursday $15 / hour Total $16.80
Friday – Sunday $20 / hour Total $22.40

Get in Touch with Shamrock Golf Cart Rentals for Your Island Experience
1492 Catawba Avenue
Put-In-Bay, OH 43456
(419) 742-8070